Who We Are
Resort Spa Services is Vermont’s premier Pool, Spa, Hot Tub, and Patio Furniture distributor serving the Rutland, Killington, Okemo, Stratton areas for over 20 years! Browse our selection of products online, then stop by our showroom in the 256 North Main Design Center, on N. Main St. in Rutland VT to see it for yourself!
What We Do
Resort Spa Services specializes in the sale, maintenance, and service of hot tubs, spas, pools, patio furniture and more! Whether you’re looking for a new pool or hot tub, or looking to have your’s repaired, Resort Spa Services has over 50 years of combined experience in the industry and we’ll make sure to get the job done right the first time, and match you with a product that fits all of your needs!
Our Showroom
256 North Main Street
Rutland, Vermont 05701
Contact Us
Looking for more info? Reach out to us here and we’ll get back to you soon!